Instructions for use Oculax

how to take Oculax

People are increasingly suffering from visual impairment and eye diseases. Oculax capsules can restore vision and cure eye pathologies. These are capsules with a unique vitamin composition to improve vision and treat eye diseases. The drug has an innovative composition, which includes a complex of vitamins that restores eye health. Ophthalmologists recommend that patients of any age use the supplement to improve vision, treat and prevent eye diseases.

How to use Oculax capsules?

It is recommended to take capsules in the morning and at night, 1 unit with 100 ml of water. It is recommended to follow the intake schedule and take the capsules at approximately the same time for a uniform supply of vitamins to the body throughout the day. Remember that proper nutrition is important to maintain healthy vision, rest, and regular eye exercise. Clinical studies have shown that vitamins help protect eye structures from free radicals and prevent disease. The duration of the admission course is 10 days. If necessary, it can be increased.

Indications for use

Oculax components are not produced by the body and are recommended in the daily diet. Ophthalmic diseases are common among people of different ages, the most common are:

  1. Glaucoma (destruction of eye tissues due to increased intraocular pressure);
  2. Cataract (impairment of the quality of the lens of the eye);
  3. Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucosa).

The development of eye diseases is associated with the manifestation of several factors:

  • Years;
  • Bad environmental conditions;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • Bad habits;
  • Injuries received;
  • Work involving prolonged eye strain;
  • The use of medications.
  • If you are at risk, Oculax is the eye health product for you. It will prevent diseases and prevent their development in the early stages of development. Oculax capsules can be taken at any age.

    Pharmacological action of Oculax

    The tool has a complex effect, fights the cause of the disease. The main function of the drug is to improve visual acuity. in Italy it has been proven that the drug does not cause adverse reactions. It has anti-inflammatory, regenerative and immunoprotective effects, provides correct nutrition of the organs of vision with the necessary nutrients.

    Oculax contributes to the following improvements:

    1. Improves clarity of vision;
    2. Increases local immunity;
    3. Eliminates puffiness;
    4. Relieves fatigue and pain in the eyes.


    The instruction notifies that Oculax capsules can be taken by people of any age. The presence of chronic or acute diseases is not a contraindication. The drug is completely safe. Especially recommended for people over 40 years of age and with vision problems. With caution, it is recommended to use the remedy to improve vision in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation.

    Side effects

    Side effects include nausea and allergic reactions. If you have exceeded the daily dose of the drug and side effects appear, consult a doctor.